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How to Keep Your Commercial Fleet Connected on the Road?

Commercial Fleet Connected on the Road

No matter how big or small your fleet is, you need to stay connected. Not only can maintaining contact with drivers (and knowledge of their whereabouts) prevent goods from getting damaged or stolen, but it can also strengthen your relationship with your employees and ensure deliveries are made in a timely fashion.

However, keeping connected with one’s fleet is easier said than done. If you have tried to do this before, you will know this from experience. This article explores the basics of staying connected with your fleet so you don’t have to worry about business interruptions.

Basics of Staying Connected with Your Fleet

i. GPS Technology

Dash cameras are one of the best tools you can use to keep your commercial fleet safe on the road. Some even let you watch them in real-time, which makes staying connected possible. The biggest advantage to using a fleet camera, however, is not connection, but that it can prevent your fleet from having to assume liability in accidents not caused by them. If somebody crashes into the side of one of your vans, for example, a dash camera will make it impossible for that person to shift blame onto your employees. If blame is shifted onto your employees, it will be you who has to pay compensation. Make sure that in addition to fitting dash cameras, you teach your employees how to drive defensively. Defensive driving can stop them from getting involved in accidents in the first place.

GPS technology is, without a doubt, the best way to keep connected with your fleet. You can use it to get a good idea of where your drivers are at all times, which can also be beneficial in the event that your vehicles are stolen, which is, of course, unlikely. GPS technology can also bring down your insurance costs. Installing GPS technology in your vans is a relatively straightforward process and can be done independently. With that said, if you are fitting GPS to save money on your insurance, your insurer might have to do it for you.

When you are looking for GPS technology, make sure you shop around and find the best products you can. You can do that by reading reviews. Product reviews can help you to determine which GPS technology is best, and give you a better understanding of what specific products are like to use.

ii. Driver Training

Driver training is essential. It is unwise to ever allow drivers to take control of fleet vehicles if they have not been properly trained in techniques like defensive driving. This is because if they ever encounter a dangerous driver, they could get into an accident, which means one of your vehicles will be off the road, and one of your drivers will be injured. The best way to train employees is to send them to professional driving classes.

Also, make sure you employ the most skilled and talented drivers you can. If you aren’t confident in your hiring abilities, you can pay a recruitment agency to do it for you. A recruitment agency will be able to find the top talent for you. Make sure you hire the most experienced, well-reviewed, and high-quality recruitment agency that you can.

iii. Regular Phone Calls

Keep in touch with your drivers. Try to contact them several times a day, so you can get a clear idea of how they are performing and what they are thinking. Keeping in touch also gives them an opportunity to voice any queries or complaints they have. An alternative to phone calls is contacting them via radio devices, though phone calls will be cheaper and more manageable.

You will have to give your employees access to encrypted work phones, however. This is so that data shared on their devices cannot be hijacked and used by hackers to redirect deliveries or steal from your business (or its clients).

iv. Item Tracking

Finally, make sure to use item tracking software. This is so you can keep track of the items your employees are delivering or carrying. It is, sadly, often employees that do most of the stealing from businesses. Studies show most data leaks are due to them, as well. Even if you trust your workforce, item tracking and inventory management technology can make it impossible for anybody to steal from you. It also makes it easier for customers to track their orders, so they don’t have to call you and ask.

Final Words

Keeping your commercial fleet safe is only possible if you stay connected to it. Use the guidance given here to do that. All of the tips and suggestions in this post can be used to safeguard your fleet and build healthy relationships with your employees.

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Zayne is an SEO expert and Content Manager at, harnessing three years of expertise in the digital realm. Renowned for his strategic prowess, he navigates the complexities of search engine optimization with finesse, driving's online visibility to new heights. He leads's SEO endeavors, meticulously conducting keyword research and in-depth competition analysis to inform strategic decision-making.

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