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6 Key Tools That Can Help Streamline Your Publishing Process

Streamline Your Publishing

If you are an author, getting published is probably your dream. However, did you know that you don’t need a publishing house to publish your work for you? It’s entirely possible to do it yourself. Self-publishing is more popular than ever, and it can be very profitable. Learning how to self-publish effectively can take a lot of stress out of the process and make it easier for you to finalize your books and get them listed on the internet and ready to be purchased. Here are six key tools you can use to streamline that process. 

Tools to Streamline Your Publishing Process

i. Online Courses

Easily the most effective tool you can use to streamline the publishing process is an interactive online course. An online course will teach you everything you need to know about publishing. Taking the time to click here will help you discover one of the web’s most popular courses and the qualities you should look for in courses. One of the main advantages of an online course is that the course leader you work with will break down the various steps of publishing into easy steps, so you can follow their formula and quickly get your books out there. Make sure that you find the best course you can, which you can do by shopping around and reading reviews. The reviews of an online course will help you to quickly determine whether they are right for you or not. Make sure that as well as reviews, you look at a course’s star rating.

ii. Print-on-Demand Platforms

Print-on-demand platforms are great resources, too. They can help you to get your books online and ready for people to view. A lot of people completely overlook print-on-demand platforms, which is a great shame, since they can be very helpful. The best thing about them is how easy they are to use, not to mention how cheap some of them are. Make sure you take the same steps mentioned above in relation to finding an online course, i.e., read reviews, and check out the star ratings of print-on-demand platforms you use.

iii. Proofreading Platforms

Proofreading platforms can be helpful, too. They make it possible for you to quickly determine the quality of your work. Proofreaders from around the world will be able to read your book for you and give you their feedback, which makes it easier for you to decide whether further edits need to be made. Remember that you have to pay for the support of proofreaders–they do not offer their services for free. The amount you have to pay depends on the skill level of the proofreader you are planning on working with.

iv. Digital Marketplaces

Digital marketplaces can be good places to list your books for sale. The downside to them is that there is a lot of competition. The amount of competition you will face of course depends on how established you are as an author, what your books are like, and how much you are charging for them. If you charge a lot of money, you may struggle to find people to buy them, even if your books are very good. You may also want to offer digital books, since digital books are preferred by readers who use Kindles or other similar devices.

v. Hiring An Agent

You may want to consider hiring an agent. Agents can be expensive, but they can help you market your books and may even know publishers they can get in touch with to try and get your books formally published. If you are going to hire an agent, make sure you shop around and find one who specializes in the genre you write in. If the agent you hire specializes in other genres, they might not have industry connections that can help you, which means you will be paying them for nothing when you could be paying somebody else with a lot more experience.

vi. Editing Software

Finally, use editing software to simplify edits and changes. After writing your manuscript, run it through editing software, so you can quickly identify any grammar or punctuation errors. After it has been proofread, you can then put your manuscript through editing software again, but this time to identify other errors, i.e., paragraphs with poor sentence structure or spelling mistakes. Make sure that before you send your script off to be published, you check it one more time for errors. Errors in your text can put people off and stop them from wanting to read it.

Final Words

Self-publishing has made it easier than ever for authors to get their books out there. If you are interested in getting some of your books published, use the guidance given here to ensure that you use the right tools. The tools you use can have a massive impact on your experience as a self-publishing author.

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Picture of Zayne

Zayne is an SEO expert and Content Manager at, harnessing three years of expertise in the digital realm. Renowned for his strategic prowess, he navigates the complexities of search engine optimization with finesse, driving's online visibility to new heights. He leads's SEO endeavors, meticulously conducting keyword research and in-depth competition analysis to inform strategic decision-making.

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